The Challenge Rules

The Twilight Fanfiction New Year’s Challenge Rules

Time frame: Beginning Monday, January 10th, 2011 and ending March 20th, 2011.

  1. To support fellow authors to develop, and complete, the ideas and partially completed      works that they have waiting in the wings while they work on other things.    

  1. To begin the New Year resolved to cleaning the fic slate, fulfilling obligations and      clearing our minds for new ideas and further productivity.    

  1. To learn, from other authors, how they deal with plot development and writers block, and     foster relationships with others that are mutually beneficial.    

  1. To present the      challenge group with the works you intend to finish for the challenge. All stages of development are accepted, from plot bunny to outlined ideas, to partially and even almost completed works. While this challenge originated in the fandom, folks working on original works of fiction are welcome.

  1. Check in once a week by adding your progress to the group spreadsheet. (Verification of progress will be explained below.)

  1. Track progress both through word count, chapter and story completion.

  1. To offer fellow members advice and support through the challenge group, helping with research tips, writer’s block fixes, etc.

  1. Provide list of all WIPs to be considered in judging progress to the group by emailing them to, no later that 1/10/11.  (IE: If you submit a list of 20 WIPs, and yet what you've finished is something not mentioned in that list, it doesn't count. New works don't count towards winning the challenge.) The list you send will be private between challenge host and you, protecting any storylines that you've planned, but not published yet.

  1. Enter progress into group database via gdocs. Progress  will be verified by publication on common sites such as FFN, Twilighted, TWCS, ADF, etc, or by sending a gdoc to the challenge admins. (All gdocs sent will be for verification purposes only, and will be visible only to the three of us. Instructions for this will be listed on the blog)

  1. Participate as much or as little as you want...if you have tips on ways to beat writer’s block, or research ideas, music that keeps you pumped and writing, or if you’d like to find someone to WC with so you have accountability, let us know, this group is all about empowering us to complete our fics and stay motivated, and that starts with all of you!